സഘ പുറത്തിറക്കുന്ന പുസ്തകഗല്

1 comment:

  1. Sure "Kolodam" will make a marvellous achievement in the dweep history with its golden writings.Its all about the past life style of the Islands.We'll feel 'Kiltan' from the novel.The hard journey faced by the Islanders is beautifully drawn.
    The novelist's has presented the 'Koya, Melacheri' caste's as an 'evil system'.
    Tragedy & Romance has made the novel a realistic picture of the Island.
    I wish all the success!.
    Don't miss it, read the first novel from Lakshadweep.

    Sabeeh Aman
    Ex. Treasurer
    LSA Central Committee
